Why I asked Santa for a Crepe Maker?

The big guy came through and Santa brought me that crepe maker that I wanted this year. It might seem like a random thing for a 40-year-old guy to ask for (not that 40-year-old asking for something from Santa isn’t), but it was with purpose.

Katie and I were on a trip to Seattle this summer and took a ferry over to Bainbridge Island one morning. We ended up choosing the crepe shop to grab a bite. There was a fairly long line, so we had front row seats to watch them make them.

I was thinking…

  • There is a ton of variety and you can go sweet or savory
  • They are made to order for each individual
  • They cook fast
  • They look fun to make with the spreader and turner
  • What else can I use gobs of Nutella on?

and that’s when it hit me… I was going to make crepe making my thing. I could turn it into a Saturday morning family ritual when we are not in a hurry to get to get the kids to school and off to work. When the kids are older, we can make them with their friends after a sleep over.

Maybe it was just me getting nostalgic. Making breakfast was my dad’s thing growing up. He made pancakes and waffles for us growing up all the time, especially on weekends for all of our friends. He made some really great blueberry pancakes and I always liked the maple walnut Belgium waffle. However, he was also known to put all sorts of things in the pancakes, including what we had the night before for dinner (mashed potatoes, cheese, and the infamous pork and beans). It is definitely a great memory from my childhood and one that I wanted to start creating with my own family.

So we broke the seal the other morning and gave it a try. After tossing out the first batter (I read the waffle batter instructions) and overcooking the first crepe, I had officially made my first crepe. Of course it was the simple banana and Nutella crepe.

It turns out that making crepes is going to be an art that I’ll need to work on over time! Figuring the timing on flipping the crepe, how to fold them, what is better inside vs. outside etc. I’ve never been known for my creativity and artistic finesse. The good news, is that the girls are only 2 and 4-years-old, so I have lots of Saturday mornings to practice!

My First Crepe (Don’t judge a book by it’s cover)